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& then write

Dec 1, 2020

Have you ever thought about writing a book that could help drive your business? One that will be an important part of the ecosystem that establishes your credibility and ultimately gets you more clients? Guest host Anna Lundberg walks through some probing questions that will help you explore WHY you want to write a...

Nov 1, 2020

Fiction writing and playwriting. Even though both often involve worldbuilding – characters, setting, plot, dialogue – there are distinct differences. How do those differences inform the process? The way the material is experienced by the reader and viewer? Today, guest hosts Denise Stephenson and Bob Mayberry...

Oct 1, 2020

Sometimes as writers, we make "inspiration" out to be a lot more mysterious than it really is. By adopting simple practices, we can put ourselves in the way of inspiration, and pave the way for great ideas to come in – consistently. Guest host Jennifer Locke takes us through four easy-to-adopt practices.

Sep 1, 2020

Not every writer aspires to be the next literary great. Some writers simply want to do what they love - WRITE - and make a living doing it, on their terms. For many, this is elusive territory, but it needn’t be. Today Anthony Moore joins the podcast to demystify the business of writing.

Aug 1, 2020

As writers, some stories just get under our skin. We try to write them out of our system, but sometimes we don’t quite get it on the first try... or maybe even the second. But eventually the story comes out – and at a point we have to stop tinkering and let it go. Today Michael Waddington joins the podcast to share...